- 2 oz bourbon
- 1/4 oz allspice dram (like St Elizabeth)
- juice from half a lime
- 2 barspoons turbinado syrup
- 2 dashes Angostura bitters
This is one recipe that I am continuously tweaking, depending on who is drinking it. The one for this post was made for my partner, who without fail will say “this is heavy on the allspice” if I make him this drink. Recipes online actually use 1/2 oz allspice, which I think might overpower everything else.
The Lion’s Tail is a perfect drink for winter. The allspice is tempered a bit with the citrus, but still lends a warming quality to the drink.
How in the world have you gone through that much allspice dram? I think JD’s bottle is still over an inch above the label.
Seriously, I’ve made so many Lion’s Tails. So many. I feel like there was another cocktail I was using it for as well but can’t recall of the top of my head.
Oh man, this is one of my favorites.
Allspice dram is also great in coffee.